How to complete KYC on Bitget
2022-11-09 08:42
1. Please log in to your Bitget account, click "bank transfer" here.
2. Choose the bank and currency and click next.
3. Click “KYC” and then fill in the requested information to complete your KYC.
Select [Step 1: Personal Info] and fill Country/Region, First Name, Last Name, DOB, Address, CPF, ID Type and ID Number, then click [Continue].
Please note that the CPF number here should be the same as your CPF provided to your banks. Unmatched CPF may cause payment to be failed.
4. Select [Step 2: ID Verification] and ensure that your ID document is clear and not cropped. Ensure you upload JPG / JPEG / PNG with maximum file size of 2MB
5. Click on [Take a Photo] and then click on [Upload]. For Front side <> Back side <> Selfie. Ensure you take a photo of the ID type you filled in step 1
Kindly wait for approval after you have uploaded your documents.
Attention: when upload the picture please follow the rules
1. Make sure there is nothing in the selfie background.
2. Make sure that you are not holding anything in the photo.
3. Do not wear any hat or cap while taking a selfie.
4. Clear face.
5. Please ensure your picture is not blurry.
6. Please ensure the picture is no bigger than 2M.