Where and how to buy Neo in Canada
Step-by-step guide
Step 1: Create a Bitget account.
Step 2: Complete Bitget's identity verification.
Step 3: Place a Neo order through any of the various payment options provided.
Step 4:Monitor Neo in your Bitget spot account
Alternative methods to obtain Neo in Canada
Convert crypto to Neo with Bitget Convert
Swap on-chain assets to Neo with Bitget Swap
Methods to obtain Neo for free
Buy other cryptos
Buy Neo in a different country
How to buy Neo in other countries?
What can you do with Neo?
Store/Hold Neo
Many users hold on to their Neo with the expectation of it increasing in value. You can store your NEO safely on your Bitget account or on our crypto wallet app BG Wallet, the most user-friendly and secure mobile wallet.
Trade Neo
You can trade Neo for 150+ cryptocurrencies on Bitget’s industry-leading, fast, and secure trading platform. Bitget offers many trading pairs for Neo trading to meet your needs.
Send Neo
Yes, Bitget allows you to easily transfer value around the world, fast. You can buy Neo online and send to anyone and anywhere with their Neo address.
Spend Neo
You can also buy goods and services with your Neo. More and more vendors and retailers accept Neo every day.
Donate Neo
Bitget Charity accepts Neo donations for global projects that aim to improve the lives of people in the bottom billion. You can donate Neo so no one misses out on the growth made possible by blockchain.
Learn More About Neo
You can read more in-depth articles on Neo from Bitget Research and study how cryptocurrencies like Neo work on Bitget Academy
Market stats to assist in determining optimal times for purchasing Neo
What is Neo (NEO)?
Neo blockchain is an open-source, decentralized blockchain platform that allows developers to create and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. It was founded in 2014 and launched in 2016 by a Chinese company called Onchain, and it is often referred to as the "Chinese Ethereum" due to its similarities with the Ethereum blockchain.
How Neo (NEO) Works
Neo blockchain uses advanced encryption algorithms to secure its network and prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, the platform employs a consensus mechanism called delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) to ensure the integrity of the blockchain. The consensus mechanism ensures the security and stability of the network by allowing only a limited number of nodes to participate in the consensus process. This ensures that the network remains secure and fast, making it ideal for businesses and investors. It is also designed to be interoperable with other blockchain platforms, enabling the seamless transfer of assets and data between different blockchains. This feature makes Neo blockchain an attractive option for businesses and organizations that require cross-chain functionality. In fact, Neo is said to be applicable in supply chain management, digital identity, gaming, etc.
The Neo blockchain has two native tokens, GAS and NEO. The former is used to pay for transactions on the network and to execute smart contracts, while the latter is used for governance. GAS is generated through a process called mining, which involves verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, GAS cannot be mined directly. Instead, it is generated as a byproduct of holding NEO. This feature encourages users to hold NEO, which can increase its value and promote the stability of the network.
How Many Neo (NEO) Tokens Are in Circulation?
The total supply of NEO is 100,000,000 and the circulating supply is 70,538,831.
How to Buy Neo (NEO)
Consider investing in Neo (NEO)? It only takes 2 minutes to create an account on Bitget and start trading NEO.
Check out the available NEO trading pairs on Bitget!
Spot market
Neo (NEO) Resources
Buy Neo in Canada with Bitget
How to safely store your Neo
- Sign up and transfer NEO to your Bitget account.
- Alternatively, use Bitget Wallet as a self-custody solution for your NEO.
How to withdraw Neo with Bitget's hassle-free withdrawal process
NEO to local currency
Crypto calculator- 1 NEO to USD$10.52
- 1 NEO to JPY10.52
- 1 NEO to VND10.52
- 1 NEO to RUB10.52
- 1 NEO to EUR (Español)10.52
- 1 NEO to TRY10.52
- 1 NEO to EUR (Italiano)10.52
- 1 NEO to EUR (Français)10.52
- 1 NEO to EUR (Deutsch)10.52
- 1 NEO to CNY10.52
- 1 NEO to TWD10.52
- 1 NEO to EUR (Português)10.52
- 1 NEO to IDR10.52
- 1 NEO to THB10.52
- 1 NEO to PLN10.52
- 1 NEO to UAH10.52
- 1 NEO to UZS10.52
- 1 NEO to SAR10.52
- 1 NEO to PHP10.52