Bitget App
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Buy and sell crypto with ease
Trade with leverage
Zero fees, no slippage
Your one-stop for tracking new coins
Take your trading to the next level
Bitget TraderPro program
Unlock your trading potential! Become a verified Bitget elite trader and earn 10,000 USDT to help skyrocket your profits. Join now and start your journey to success!
Bringing together the most comprehensive top bots
Spot grid
Automate trades with grid bots
Futures grid
Amplify grid bot trades with leverage
Spot position grid
Buy low and sell high on volatile markets.
Futures position grid
Place positions at regular intervals on oscillating markets.
Spot auto-invest+
Regularly invest without timing the market
Smart Portfolio
Smart dynamic rebalancing and cyclic arbitrage
For new users
Sign up now to grab position vouchers
Earn products
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Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu, the World Champion of Wrestling, embodies perseverance
Wrestling demands strength, technique, and endurance. Buse Tosun's journey is a testament to facing challenges head-on and never giving up. Her perseverance reflects Bitget's commitment to resilience, motivating others to keep moving forward.